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A Laravel integration for Xero using the Oauth 2.0 spec

Credential Storage

There are currently five credential storage options available:

  1. ** File Store ** (default) - Stores the credentials in a JSON file on the default disk.
  2. ** Cache Store ** - Stores the credentials in the cache.
  3. ** Model Store ** - Stores the credentials against a predefined model.
  4. ** Authenticated User Store ** - Stores the credentials against the authenticated user.
  5. ** Array Store ** - Stores the credentials in an array.

Changing the default storage

If your using a default storage you can change the xero.credential_store config key to point to the new implementation.

File Store

Credentials are stored in a JSON file using the default disk on the Laravel Filesystem, with visibility set to private. This allows credential sharing across multiple servers using a shared disk such as S3, regardless of which server conducted the OAuth flow.

To use a different disk, change the xero.credential_disk config item to another disk defined in config/filesystem.php.

Cache Store

Credentials are stored in the cache, this is useful for applications that do not have a shared disk.

Model Store

Credentials are stored against a predefined model, this is useful for applications that have a settings model.

For the package to know which model you want to use, you will need to call the following method:

use Webfox\Xero\Xero;
use App\Models\Settings;


If you need to resolve a model depending on some application state such as the authenticated user, this should be added to a custom middleware instead of the app service provider, e.g.


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure; use Webfox\Xero\Xero; use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class ConfigureXeroMiddleware { public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next) { if ($request->user()) { Xero::useModelStore($request->user()->currentTeam); }

    return $next($request);

} }

By default, the package will use the xero_credentials field, Should you need to rename this field, you can do so by calling:

use Webfox\Xero\Xero;


Authenticated User Store

Credentials are stored against the authenticated user. By default, the package will use the xero_credentials field on the Users table.

Should you need to rename this field, you can do so by calling:

use Webfox\Xero\Xero;


Should you need to change the authentication guard, you can do so by calling:

use Webfox\Xero\Xero;


Array Store

Credentials are stored in an array, this is useful for testing purposes only. Once the application is restarted, the credentials will be lost.

Creating your own Storage Manager

You can create your own storage manager by implementing the OauthCredentialManager interface, it is suggested that you extend the BaseCredentialManager class.

You will need to implement the following methods:

  1. exists() - Returns a boolean indicating if the credentials exist.
  2. store(AccessTokenInterface $token, array $tenants = null) - Creates/Updates the credentials.
  3. data(string $key = null) - Returns the stored credentials (it is recommended you check the credentials exists, if not throw the XeroCredentialsNotFound exception).

Once this has been completed, you should point xero.credential_store to your new implementation.